
How to look professional in your corporate headshot.

How to look professional in your corporate headshot. Clients who have seen our portfolio often ask us this and want to look their best on their LinkedIn profile page or company website. The answer is always the same, and it is not rocket science. If you want to look professional in [...]

How to look professional in your corporate headshot.2025-02-03T10:10:09+00:00

How to get a good corporate headshot.

How to get a good corporate headshot. It is simple: commission a professional corporate portrait photographer with decent samples on their website and a digital studio set up. We know the easy option is to use a selfie or get a friend to take a headshot for you with their phone [...]

How to get a good corporate headshot.2025-01-13T09:42:35+00:00

What size should corporate headshots be?

What size should corporate headshots be? This is a common question, and we reply by asking where the corporate headshot will be used. If it will be used for your LinkedIn profile photo, the recommended square image size for LinkedIn is 400 (w) x 400 (h) pixels at 72 dpi. The [...]

What size should corporate headshots be?2024-08-27T10:22:35+01:00

Hair and corporate headshots.

Hair and corporate headshots. Some advice on what to do with women's and men's hair when you are going to commission some professional corporate headshots. The first thing is to get it cut before the day of the shoot. Do not try anything new; get your normal haircut so people will [...]

Hair and corporate headshots.2024-08-12T10:41:33+01:00

We now offer actors headshots.

We now offer actors headshots at Corporate Photography London along with our contemporary corporate headshots, photography and video.  We are looking to capture samples of our new actor's headshots and arrange a day when actors can come along to our venue and have their new headshots captured for free. All we [...]

We now offer actors headshots.2024-07-24T10:24:56+01:00

Glasses on or off in corporate headshots?

Are glasses on or off in corporate headshots? Our clients frequently ask us if they should wear glasses when we capture their new corporate headshots. We ask them if they always wear glasses, and if they say yes, we ask them to keep them on, as people expect to see them [...]

Glasses on or off in corporate headshots?2024-07-22T10:41:42+01:00

More Do’s and Don’ts for your Corporate Headshot.

Here are some more do's and don'ts for your corporate headshot. Never, and we mean never, use a selfie. Selfies are fine for social media, but they will not make you look professional. In fact, they will do the direct opposite and make you look like an amateur who has cut [...]

More Do’s and Don’ts for your Corporate Headshot.2024-06-24T10:47:42+01:00

Working with Corporate Photography London.

Here are some benefits of working with Corporate Photography London. Firstly, when working with Corporate Photography London, we always have a photographer available on any given date. This can be very handy if you have a day when you have all your staff in the office and you need new corporate [...]

Working with Corporate Photography London.2024-05-28T10:48:40+01:00

The importance of a pro corporate headshot in the finance sector

Here, we discuss the importance of a pro corporate headshot in the finance sector. You are dealing with people's money, so you need to look like a professional who people can trust. On professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, corporate webpages and financial blogs, your corporate headshot is the first thing [...]

The importance of a pro corporate headshot in the finance sector2024-05-07T11:06:42+01:00

Where to use your new corporate headshot.

We are looking at different places where you can utilise your new professional corporate headshot. So, you have made the wise decision to commission a professional portrait photographer to capture a quality corporate headshot, and now let's look at where you can utilise your newly commissioned corporate headshot. Firstly, on your [...]

Where to use your new corporate headshot.2024-04-22T11:01:58+01:00
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