Here are some tips on how to pose for corporate headshots. Your corporate headshot is your business brand and can make a positive impression on clients and employers. This is very important if you work in the legal or financial sectors, where trust and professionalism are key to your success. Here are our seven tips on how to pose for corporate headshots.
- Posture. Make sure you consider your posture. If you have a straight back and good posture, then stand proud for your corporate headshots. If you have poor posture and look awkward standing or it is just plain uncomfortable, this will show in your expression. Consider sitting down and leaning forward on a table to support your posture. Ask the corporate headshot photographer for suggestions on how to pose for corporate headshots. They will have ideas for your stance and can correct any failings.
- Make sure you feel and look confident. Maintain strong eye contact with the camera, slightly tilt your head, and stand at 45% to the camera so you don’t look like a criminal in a mug shot.
- Consider your wardrobe. It is important to look like you care about your appearance and take pride in your business attire. Traditional corporate clothing is ideal. Ensure your clothes are clean, well-pressed, and free from stray hairs and dandruff.
- When it comes to how to pose for corporate headshots, the biggest problem we find is out-of-control hair. We can adjust hair in post-production, but it is much better to get your hair styled the day before so that you look neat and tidy.
- Ask the corporate headshot photographer to suggest different expressions, which will give you a better selection. Most people like to smile, but this is not always ideal for some business sectors. As mentioned earlier, if you work in the legal or financial sectors, your clients won’t want to see you grinning at the camera. They will want you to appear serious and diligent.
- The first couple of minutes in front of the camera make most people a little nervous. These first corporate headshots will not be as good as the last ones you have taken in the session. The longer the shoot goes on, the more relaxed you will look, and, therefore, you will look more confident and professional.
- Communicate with your corporate photographer. They will have guidance and ideas on how to get the most out of your headshot session. Listen to their suggestions; they do this for a living and are responsible for making you look professional. If you have any other queries or questions on how to pose for corporate headshots, please get in touch.