A couple of reasons why you should add a corporate headshot to your email signature.
We recently had business with a nationwide estate agent, and when we received emails from different agents, we liked the way they had all added their headshots to their email signatures. We thought this was a great idea as it puts a face to the name and it creates an immediate good first impression of the person you are doing business with. We have hundreds of emails every day here at Corporate Photography London, and although we prefer communicating with clients this way as there is a paper trail of what has been agreed, 99% do not add a corporate headshot on their email signature.
This is now going to be a photographic service we can offer our clients. When we undertake a corporate headshot commission in London, we supply high-resolution JPGs via our WeTransfer file-sharing app. For email; signatures, you will need a low-res 72 dpi file to upload via your email application. If a client decides that add their new corporate headshot to their email signature, we can do this for them in post-production with Photoshop.
We would suggest that your corporate headshot has a white web-friendly background as this will match the background that is standard white on email applications. A nice touch to stop your headshot from getting lost on the white email background is to add a grey or black border on your corporate headshot. This will frame the headshot and isolate it from the email background.
The last tip on why you want to add your corporate headshot to your email signature is to keep it the same size as your email signature so that the image appears as a part of the text. Please see the sample signature below.
Kind regards
Grantly Lynch
Director & Editor
Corporate Photography Ltd
M 07831 366136
Corporate Photography Limited. Registered in England No.4048008.

Corporate headshot used in your email signature.