Retouching Corporate Headshots

LinkedIn Profile Photo.

The importance of using a good quality Linkedin profile photo. As we come to the end of the first week of the 2021 lockdown we can safely say that our corporate photography service is struggling. The majority of our clients are based in The City and West End of London, and [...]

LinkedIn Profile Photo.2022-01-08T08:38:40+00:00

Post-Production Offer During Lockdown.

Post-production offer during Lockdown. Helping clients maintain the standard of their headshots during the Covid crisis. We have talked before about how we have helped some clients with their headshots during the Covid crisis. During the first lockdown, we only did post-production work for clients and when the rules were relaxed [...]

Post-Production Offer During Lockdown.2022-01-08T08:38:40+00:00

Retouching Corporate Headshots

With all our corporate headshot commissions in London, we offer free post-production work which includes retouching or as it used to be known airbrushing. Most post-production work is adjusting levels and making sure backgrounds are consistent and reformating files which is simply a process. However, when you come to retouching a [...]

Retouching Corporate Headshots2022-01-08T08:38:40+00:00
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