Are glasses on or off in corporate headshots? Our clients frequently ask us if they should wear glasses when we capture their new corporate headshots. We ask them if they always wear glasses, and if they say yes, we ask them to keep them on, as people expect to see them wearing glasses. If they only wear glasses when reading or at their computer, we suggest we photograph them with glasses on and off. When clients come to our Beech Street studio, we like to capture a wide range of stances and expressions. When it comes to wearing glasses, some clients assume they make them look older. We suggest that glasses are associated with academics and scientists so they can make you look more competent and professional.

When asked about glasses on or off in corporate headshots, the second point is that we always give clients a choice, but in some instances, they can be problematic when it comes to reflections from our studio lights. We are cautious about keeping reflections to a minimum by carefully placing our lighting off-centre, so there are no direct reflections. The problem is that if the sitter wears very thick glasses, they will pick up a reflection. We are unsure that the reflection does not cover any part of the eyeball, and that is usually caught in the top part of the glasses. We can then reduce the reflection in post-production.

Another suggestion is to commission a professional corporate photographer, check out their portfolio and see how they deal with reflections in glasses. Ensure they do not use an on-camera flashlight, as that can cause redeye and reflections in the middle of the glasses that obscure the person’s eyes.

If you have any queries or questions about whether glasses are on or off in corporate headshots, please get in touch.

Glasses on or off in corporate headshots?

Glasses on or off in corporate headshots?